POPCS SmartLab Rotation 2

Island 4
Lego WeDo 2.0
Milo the Science Rover
POPCS students will build a science rover using LEGO WeDo 2.0. They will then program it to find and collect samples of natural material (plant, animal, rock, etc.) just like NASA’s Mars rovers.
NASA sends rovers to Mars to “seek signs of life". Years ago, scientists found proof that there was once water on Mars. Water is a key to life, but it is not the only thing needed for life to form and survive. Now, NASA's goal is to find other signs of life. Think of a flower. Can it survive on water alone? What else does it need to live and grow?

Island 5
Platonic Solids
The challenge is to build and explore the properties of platonic solids. A platonic solid is a "perfect" shape. What makes a perfect shape? Is there such a thing as a perfect shape? In this Learning Launcher, students will explore these questions by building different platonic solids with the Goobi building kit.

Island 1
Laser Maze: Introduction to Lasers
The challenge is to direct a laser beam using mirrors and beam splitters to light up a target. Students will choose challenge cards that tell them which targets to light and the pieces they need. Students will see how many of the 60 challenge cards they can solve!

Island 2
Snap Circuits
Getting into the Flow
How much electricity do you use in a single day? Do you turn on the light in the morning? Do you keep food in a refrigerator? Are you using a computer to see this sentence right now?
Electricity is a basic part of our lives. But how does electricity work? How does it control so many things we use every day?
In this Liftoff Challenge, the challenge is to learn the basics of electricity. Students will also learn how to control it in different ways by building electrical circuits. Students will harness the power of electricity!

Island 3
Scratch: Coding-- It's a Snap
What is Scratch? It is used to write simple computer programs, create computer stories, games, and animations. Students share stories, games, and animations with other POPCS students and will be challenged to create their own animation with Scratch. If students are new to Scratch, they will complete the Getting Started Tutorial. Then, they can program their animation, story or game!