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Island 5 Photoshop Level 2 Selective Color and Text Layers

Computer Graphics

POP students are challenged to explore the layering feature in Photoshop to create black-and-white images with color elements. Students will also be challenged  to explore how to use text layers in Photoshop in order to add text to a photograph or digital drawing.


Island 5 Photoshop Level 2 Selective Colors and Text Layers

Design Specifications

Color vs. Black & White


While color photography has been available for several decades, many artists continue to photograph in black and white. 

Why do you suppose this is?

Whereas color images show the world as we see it, many artists feel that black and white can be more effective in communicating emotion and artistry.

With digital editing, the same image can be easily processed in color, or black and white, or even both color and black and white.

The decision of whether to use color, black and white, or a combination, depends on how you want your photo to look


Calculate the Number of Colors in 8-Bit Format

You have probably heard the word bits in connection with computers, but you may not know what they are. Computers store data in a complex system of electrical switches, each of which can either be on or off. We use a language called binary code (1 for on, 2 for off) to describe each switch or bit in this system. In mathematics, this called the base 2 numerical system since there are only two numbers that we can use.

In an 8-bit system that contains eight digits that can either be a 1 or a 0, there are 256 possible combinations:

2 x 2 x 2 x 2 x 2 x 2 x 2 x 2 (or 28) = 256.

Now that you know how an 8-bit system works, you can figure out how many colors can be in a JPEG image. The Level 1 Photoshop Elements Learning Launcher discusses the red, green, and blue color modes. Each color can be at any of the 256 levels of lightness, and you can mix these three colors in any combination.

Therefore, the number of colors in an 8-bit format is 256 x 256 x 256  = 16,772,216


Photographic History

The first photographs were all monochrome, meaning "one color". Black-and-white photographs are the most common form of monochrome photography. They can also contain a tone or hue like brown (called sepia), red, green or blue.

The first known photograph was taken by French inventor, Nicephoré Niécpe in 1825 through a process called heliography. The process took so long to expose that the inventor took a photograph of an engraved picture instead of a live subject.

The photochemical process was advanced by another French inventor, Louis Daguerre. He took the first picture of a person in 1839 using his invention, the daguerreotype.  

Although inventors experimented with color photographs since the mid-nineteenth century, almost all photographs were monochrome until Kodak color film became commercially available in 1935



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